About Sandy . . .

A Denver, Colorado native, music has always been a part of Sandy's life.  A self-taught musician, she started playing piano at 7 and guitar at 13.  She wrote her first song at 15 and performed in various rock, pop and variety bands in Colorado for over 30 years.  Her first CD was a collaborative effort with her sister, Kathy, a lyricist and vocalist.   The “Play” CD was completely her sole creation of both lyrics and music, along with the songs on the next EP release.

She says that "Writing the music has always come easier for me--I've devoted a lot of time over the past few years to creating more compelling lyrics."  Her song, "Break the Cycle," illustrates that ability as her lyric tenderly plumbs the emotional depth of a woman struggling to get her life back after losing everything (scroll down to hear the full song):
     "Now I will break the cycle of this broken life
     I can face the challenge of whatever strife
     Cause I got the chance, to make a change
     To bury the past, and find my way . . .
     Now I have a place of my own, that I call home"

Sandy has a performance/music business degree at the University of Colorado at Denver, and works with various vocal, music and production coaches on a regular basis, and is affiliated with the Nashville Songwriters Association and American Songwriter.

Inspiration for her music comes from many of her own experiences as a wife, mom of 2 girls and stepmom of 3 girls, sister and friend, and now a grandma (Grammy S)--never a dull moment!  Her favorite escapes include golfing, cooking, reading and keeping active running, biking and weight training.  Many a song has come from times on a long walk, people watching, reading, time with friends . . .




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